Power Drive
Straddle Trucks
This series has many of the
capabilities of a rider. Long duty
cycles over multi-shift opera-
tions, capacity for heavy loads
— up to 4,000 pounds — the
ability to operate in narrow
aisles and other congested
areas not
normally accessible to rid-
ers. And because it is a
Walkie, it costs signifi-
cantly less.
The PDH is effective
for special applica-
tions requiring
hydraulic attach-
ments. These
include devices
like sideshifters,
roll clamps, car-
ton clamps, and
die pullers. The
design and con-
struction of this
series makes it
ideal for use in
extreme industrial
environments such
as foundrys and
The Big Joe PDH is
the appropriate
series for those with
special needs or
requirements. It is a
performer at a cost
efficient price.
Big Joe PDH
The Walkie
That Works
Like a Rider