Linde Connect Brochure

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Vehicle check via smartphone

Simplify the vehicle check before each

shift and at the same time create

effective access control – with the aid

of the pre-op check app and the

connect:ac pre-operational check function.

Completing a smartphone checklist

ensures that the truck can only be

started when a check has been carried

out and the vehicle is fully operational.

Damage or irregularities can be docu-

mented with a photo and immediately

reported to the fleet manager.

The checklist configurator allows the fleet

manager to freely define the desired

questions on vehicle condition to suit the

requirements of the job or the location.

It is also possible to specify when a check

is successful and the vehicle can be started,

as well as the conditions under which it

shuts down or requires a photo to be taken

for documentation purposes.

→ Improved safety on company grounds

→ Automatic email report of the checklist

results in real time

→ Photographic record of vehicle damage

or irregularities

→ Regular survey of vehicle condition

→ Freely definable questions

→ Recording of questions and answers

for later analysis possible

The various connect hardware components are the link between your fleet, the database,

and the connect software. They collect and transfer control and sensor data or serve

as an electronic ignition switch. Our hardware components can be ordered ex works with

new vehicles or are available as a retrofit kit.


Teaching your forklift to talk

1 connect:access unit (CAM)

The access unit (CAM) is available in

two different versions: drivers can

identify themselves to a vehicle either

by means of a personal PIN or using

an RFID chip. Vehicle data such

as shock readings are transmitted to

the SyncPoints via Bluetooth.

This unit is likewise available as a

retrofit solution.

2 Connectivity retrofit kits

Is part of your fleet not equipped with

your chosen transmission technology?

Then it is easy to upgrade to wireless

data communications with the appro-

priate retrofit kit for Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or

mobile broadband.

3 connect:data unit (CDX)

The data unit (CDX) logs the data on

the vehicle and transmits it to the

Linde cloud via the cell phone network.

It can also send commands back to the

vehicle controls. The unit also down-

loads firmware updates and additional

functions via the cell phone network

Retrofitting the connect:data unit is

easy and takes very little time.

The unit is directly connected to the

vehicle controls and is operational


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