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More Space and More Oversight

The cab of the X-Range provides the operator

with approximately twice as much space and

great all-round visibility. This makes work

easier and safer.

Intuitive Work Environment

A compact electrical steering wheel

integrated in the left-hand armrest and

joysticks for controlling the hydraulics in the

right-hand armrest make for an uncluttered

cab. The digital display provides a quick

overview of all important truck functions.

Options for Even Greater Comfort

For enhanced ergonomics and superior

comfort, the X-Range can be retrofitted with

additional equipment and upgraded in line

with customer-specific requirements.

Smoothly Adjustable Workstation

The seat height, lumbar support and seat

angle can be changed as required. The

armrests can be raised, lowered, moved

forward and moved backward. The height of

the display can also be adjusted.

Operator’s cab of a conventional reach truck

Compared with other reach trucks, the X-Range gives the operator twice as much space.

At the same time, the operator remains safely within the confines of the truck with

plenty of space for the arms and legs.

Operator’s cab of the Linde X-Range

You can find more information on your smartphone with the Linde Augmented Reality App

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